Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Whos is real and who is Really?

This will be the first entry,

The first page, first chance for others to truly understand why and how.

If the person writing this is the one telling the story or is it the one living it. What motives, what drive causes a character to become real. Those are the questions that normal people ask of themselves, not a character asking the author. What gives the right of the character to ask such questions or rather who is really posing the questions. Questions circle answers circled by questions.If I wrote the handbook on life, it would put all other publications out of business. Not for the units sold or dollars made. But rather the insightful quest the pages provide. The journey to real truth, to maybe finding one reason why we are really here.

But this subject is to vast and asked to many times.

I have lived I have lived I have lived

This character persona is living, breathing, but talks out of turn. Why does it feel it has the right to speak when the author silenced his voice. And somehow he continues to talk to anyone who will listen. The struggle of the character and the author, or rather the character becoming the author. Has one become two!

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